For some people, the number 13 is wildly unlucky. For me in my personal life, 13 has always been oddly lucky. I was born on Friday the 13th and my luck with that number just continued from there. It was my softball number, I got my first kiss at 13 (If you’re my dad reading this then that number changes to 25) There are 13 miles in a half marathon and I was lucky because if there had been 14, the ambulance and I would have had our first date. This year even our agency is experiencing the luck of good ole number 13. This year we were ranked number 13 out of 20 of the top Agency Partnerships in the entire United States.
Our agency opened its doors in 1964 thanks to my Grandpa. Even with him being the visionary that he is, I’m don’t know if he would have ever dreamed that we’d be right there along with huge groups based out of California, Texas and Florida. Sure enough though, over the past 50 years what started as a small, family agency has grown and exploded thanks in huge part to being a part to Bainswest.
If you’ve ever heard the phrase it takes a village to raise a child, the same can be said for insurance. Many is always more powerful than one and that’s the exact theory behind agency partnerships. There’s two ways to look at people in your industry – challengers or supporters. One will always be looked at as the enemy and the other is there to support you. In my opinion, business is so much easier when you are fighting with someone instead of against. Bainswest is a group of fourteen agencies. Our purpose to maintain each of our agency’s own personal identity while gaining the power and traction by working together to get our clients the same access, quality, and pricing capabilities as those mega, big, bad brokers. The initial theory which has held true for Bainswest members has been and always will be “What’s right for our client always comes first.” With that being the basis of every client relationship we build, a huge aspect of that is not ever having to use the word “no” when it comes to writing insurance, after all, what person likes to hear the word no. The best part of insurance is getting to build relationships. Bainswest has helped us do exactly that to the best of our ability.
If you have questions regarding insurance, ECI is always here.