I have been in my fair share of wrecks. The positive side of all these wrecks is that I’m well versed in how to respond and what to do. What to do in a wreck is a tricky thing. You don’t know what your emotional state is going to be, depending on if it’s your fault or not you’re processing the small fact that you just destroyed your car then the panic and terror sets in. If it’s your first wreck you really don’t know how to prepare yourself. Here’s a couple of steps to help you.
Step 1
Take a breath and Take Inventory- This does not mean try and find where your cell phone went to. Take inventory of yourself and stay calm-Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Are you stuck? If you are these things this is where your steps end. Lean back, relax and wait for the EMT to arrive. Even if it’s minor pain, safe is always better than sorry. If you’re ok, find your cell phone (I guarantee it’s in the hardest place to reach.) Call the police, even if it’s minor. Accident reports can be very helpful in insurance claims.
Step 2
Attempt to Move your Vehicle- If accident is minor, move any cars involved to a safe place. If you’re car isn’t movable, turn your hazard lights on and stay put.
Step 3
Exchange Information, Take pictures- If your vehicle is in a safe spot, exchange information with those involved. Make sure to get numbers, insurance company name and policy number, and license plate number. License plate numbers are important in case you’ve been given bogus information. Take pictures of all damage occurred. Also, if the name on the registration is different than the driver, jot down the relationship.
Step 4
The Miscellaneous and Call your Agent- Do not sign any document unless it’s for the police or insurance agent. Make notes about the accident with specific details about damage, witnesses, etc. Be polite, but DO NOT admit fault, even if you think it was. Lastly, if possible don’t leave the scene before the police or other drivers do. Call your agent and let them know.
Wrecks can take a toll on you, but when you know what to do, it can take off a little tension in that moment. If you have questions regarding your insurance, ECI is always here. Call us for an Oklahoma City auto insurance quote.